Return and Cancellation

Question: How do I cancel my order?

Answer: To cancel an order, please log into your account and tap on the cancel and return tab. Orders can only be canceled within 24 hours of placing them.

Question: How do I return my product?

Answer: The product can be returned only if it is notified to us within 48 hours of delivery. To return your product, click on the return and cancel tab and write us an email or message us on WhatsApp.

A return will only be accepted if the following conditions are met:

  • Unbroken seal of the tag.
  • There was no visible damage to the product.
  • Product to be returned in original box
  • A refund will be initiated once we receive the product in our warehouse. We will charge INR 150 as a convenience fee for processing returns.

Process of Return

  • Login to your Next Stops account
  • Click on the order number or the View tab
  • Then click on the order cancellation, return, or exchange tab.
  • Please write us an email or WhatsApp us, to process your request.


We will entertain the exchange of the product only if the product we sent is damaged or defective. Apart from this, we will permit discussion on a case-by-case basis.